All the bones I use for my fabrications are carefully prepared by myself and have to go through a specific hygiene process. After the marrow has been removed, they are boiled in several passes until they are free of any residues, free of bacteria and germs. In order to best prepare them for their new coat of paint, they must be bleached before painting. Afterwards, whether freshly painted or left in their natural colour, each individual bone receives a double sealant and thus has the perfect protective coating.
Alle Knochen, die ich für meine Anfertigungen verwende, werden von mir selbst sorgfältig präpariert und müssen einen bestimmten Hygieneprozess durchlaufen. Nachdem das Knochenmark entfernt wurde, werden sie in mehreren Durchläufen, bis sie frei von jeglichen Rückständen sind, bakterien- und keimfrei abgekocht. Um sie bestmöglich auf ihren neuen Anstrich vorzubereiten, müssen sie vor dem Bemalen aber noch gebleicht werden. Anschließend, ob frisch bemalt oder aber auch farblich naturbelassen, erhaltet jeder einzelne Knochen eine zweifache Versiegelung und hat somit den perfekten Schutzanstrich.
Tutte le ossa che utilizzo per le mie lavorazioni sono preparate con cura da me e devono essere sottoposte a uno specifico processo di igienizzazione. Dopo aver rimosso il midollo, vengono bolliti in diversi passaggi fino a quando non sono privi di residui, batteri e germi. Per prepararli al meglio, tuttavia, devono essere sbiancati prima della nuova verniciatura. In seguito, verniciati, o al colore naturale, ogni singolo osso riceve un doppio sigillante e quindi un rivestimento protettivo perfetto.
◇ Borvo ◇ Bone Hanger €79.00excl. shipping
◇ Kumiho ◇ Ritual Incense Spoon €25.00excl. shipping
◇ Daji ◇ Ritual Incense Spoon €25.00excl. shipping
◇ Asfet ◇ Bone Hanger €79.00excl. shipping
◇ Charon ◇ Candle Holder €49.00excl. shipping
◇ Belias ◇ Wall Hanger €79.00excl. shipping
◇ Hecate ◇ Candle Holder €79.00excl. shipping
◇ Astaroth ◇ Bone Hanger €93.00excl. shipping
◇ The Drakkar ◇ Bone Hanger €96.00excl. shipping
◇ Aktaion ◇ Bone Hanger €86.00excl. shipping
◇ The Bone Pyre ◇ Candlestick €69.00excl. shipping
◇ Alkonost ◇ Bone Hanger €105.00
◇ The Wendigo ◇ Bone Hanger €110.00
◇ Ostara ◇ Witch Bells €66.00excl. shipping
◇ Chimera ◇ Bone Hanger €155.00
▪️ Witch Portal ▪️ €119.00
◇ DeMoonia ◇ Rattle
€64.00€32.00excl. shipping -
○●○ Memento Mori ○●○ Calf Bone Candle Holder €43.00excl. shipping
"Tree of the Ancestors" Bone Case €36.00excl. shipping
Bone Case (Small) €37.00excl. shipping
Bone Case (Large) €45.00excl. shipping
Poison Bottle €37.00excl. shipping
◇ Akerbeltz ◇ Witch Needle €39.00excl. shipping
◇ Dionaea ◇ Bone Hanger €99.00excl. shipping